Just waiting for someone...

I wanted to share another story from my friends.

One day, these two girls were walking down the street in an eastern town of Turkey, praying about which shop they should go in. They felt led into one in particular, and so they went in.

“Hello,” they said.

“Hi!” charmed the shop-lady, “where are you guys from?”

“We’re Americans.” They answered.

“Oohh” said the shop-lady, “15 years ago, I was in another city, and some missionary gave me a Bible. But I’ve never quite been able to understand it. Would you be able to explain it’s message to me?”

Of course, my friends gladly obliged.

And as they were talking 2 other women surfaced from the back, eager to get their own copy of the Bible and hear the good news.

There are millions of people just waiting for someone to show up and talk to them. They’re just waiting to meet one person who knows Jesus.

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