The crucial task of seed sowing
16 Feb 2016At the core of the spread of the gospel is one very simple action: one person telling another, in very simple terms, the truth about God and Jesus.
Yet this very crucial activity is also the most easily forgotten.
It can get buried under a number of other important things or tasks, or obscured by a grand vision of the latest missions strategy. It can even disappear in a wash of discussion and excitement about ‘movements’, ‘ministries’ or ‘church-planting.’
Many are excited about seeing and being involved in big picture things, and wonderful moves of God. Many speculate and plan out how things will work strategically, and cast grand visions in theory.
But who is actually taking the time and faith to sit with someone and tell them about Jesus? Who is taking the time to learn the language needed to talk to an unreached person? Who will wrestle in prayer for an open door to speak the gospel?
It seems like such a trivial activity, so basic, and sometimes so painstaking.
But the seed of these massive trees and endless forests are very unassuming, hidden, and not very glamorous. They’re just little, simple seeds.
It’s the gospel that saves people, and not our ideas.
The Enemy will do anything he can, even fill our lives with exciting ministry activity and pressing responsibilities, to keep us away from that crucial little activity of seed sowing.
Getting to just one little conversation about Jesus is often a battle of faith, and takes intense prayer. But it’s so worth it. In fact, simply talking about Jesus with people who don’t know him is worth young people’s best years. He is worthy of them giving the prime of their youth, the brightest parts of their heart, mind, and soul, just to tell a few people about him.
“Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house of brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands, for my sake and for the gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the age the come eternal life. But many who ore first will be last, and the last first.” (Mark 10:29)